The Mission, the Intent, the Result
mission statement, acupuncture Robin Harris mission statement, acupuncture Robin Harris

The Mission, the Intent, the Result

Body Positive Acupuncture empowers patients to foster a positive relationship with their bodies and food. This is achieved primarily through acupuncture treatment and enhanced by Intuitive Eating classes and one-on-one Intuitive Eating Counseling. A body-positive lens aims to heal the wounds that may have come from diet culture, weight discrimination/stigma, ageism, heterosexism, racism, classism, gender bias, a consumerist-driven society, personal and/or medical trauma, and various other factors.

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Size-Inclusive Acupuncture Treatment

Size-Inclusive Acupuncture Treatment

If you have ever experienced weight stigma in a healthcare setting, it is enough to keep you from seeing a healthcare provider until symptoms are dire. Body Positive Acupuncture will not only accept your body the way it is, the treatment room has been designed to fit larger bodies. You will feel comfortable in our waiting room, the furniture will accommodate you. Our building and restroom are ADA-accessible. My treatment room offers an adjustable table with a weight capacity of 550 lbs. I have plenty of support cushions to get you comfortable. The sheet drapes are large enough to cover your body.

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“Prettiness is not the rent you pay to occupy the space marked female” - Erin McKean
Robin Harris Robin Harris

“Prettiness is not the rent you pay to occupy the space marked female” - Erin McKean

“You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don’t owe it to your mother, you don’t owe it to your children, you don’t owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female’.” —Erin McKean

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Will Acupuncture Help Me Lose Weight?
weight loss, acupuncture, intuitive eating Robin Harris weight loss, acupuncture, intuitive eating Robin Harris

Will Acupuncture Help Me Lose Weight?

Diet culture wants us to believe that staying small makes us more attractive. Diet culture also wants us to believe that attractiveness is all that matters. Let’s connect those dots. Smaller is more attractive…do you want to be powerful or do you want to be attractive to a society that values thinness over everything else?

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The Principles of Intuitive Eating
Robin Harris Robin Harris

The Principles of Intuitive Eating

For many of us, our intuition was blocked off years ago. We must get in touch with the internal cues first. Nutrition is important, AND, the only way through is gently. And the only way gently, is slow and steady work on the principles. Eventually "Gentle Nutrition" can also come from an internal cue, and for many folks starting the program--it MUST come last.

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My body is an instrument, not an ornament.
Robin Harris Robin Harris

My body is an instrument, not an ornament.

Longing for a different body for your whole life will only lead to grief and regret. It is possible to learn how to have gratitude for the body you have now. Unconditional acceptance of your body allows you to live in the body you are in NOW. You may not like how it looks, and it is still possible to have gratitude for your body.

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This body is worthy of taking up space
Robin Harris Robin Harris

This body is worthy of taking up space

Consider widening your lens when it comes to inclusivity. Folks look at Instagram many times a day. The images we see affect our ability to know who can take up space. We are consumers on this platform, we have power. Consider following social media accounts showcasing various bodies, especially in motion.

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What else do you want to focus on besides your body?
Robin Harris Robin Harris

What else do you want to focus on besides your body?

I did not know how much room my thoughts about my body and "lifestyling"--ahem dieting--were taking up. This is a reflection of what went missing when I made the shift into Intuitive Eating. The chatter is missing and now there is room for more actual thought, creativity, stillness, and connection.

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Press on this point for reflux & nausea
Robin Harris Robin Harris

Press on this point for reflux & nausea

This point is called Storehouse. Whenever we see upward move in qi, such as burping, nausea, reflux, heartburn, we refer to this as "rebellious qi." This point is helpful in settling that upward movement and helping with reflux and nausea.

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Body Grief
Robin Harris Robin Harris

Body Grief

Longing for a different body for your whole life will only lead to grief and regret. Learn how to have gratitude for the body you have now. Unconditional acceptance of your body allows you to live in the body you are in NOW.

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A Note on Self-Compassion
Robin Harris Robin Harris

A Note on Self-Compassion

Compassion for others tends to come easier than compassion for ourselves. Sometimes I have to work at treating myself like my best friend. As many relationships as I have with others, the one with myself matters most.

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What Is Acupuncture?
Robin Harris Robin Harris

What Is Acupuncture?

The most important thing is to know that the body is governed by “qi”. One translation of “qi” is breath, air, or gas. I like this translation for those of you who are new to this system of medicine. If you are more familiar with Western medicine, imagine that you are having a hard time catching your breath and you can’t breathe deeply.

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Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Robin Harris Robin Harris

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Does acupuncture hurt? This is the most common question when telling folks that I am an acupuncturist. The answer is, “Sometimes acupuncture hurts.” The thin needles are inserted just beneath the skin’s surface. Sensations vary by person from a dull ache to a tingling sensation. Any pain felt during treatment is momentary and quickly dissipates.

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Your Body Is Your Home
Robin Harris Robin Harris

Your Body Is Your Home

Body positivity is most essentially about respecting our bodies and the work they do to carry us through our lives. This takes work in a world that encourages us to hate our bodies, to wish our bodies were otherwise, and to spend a lot of time and money trying to change the bodies we are in, especially if they don’t meet narrow westernized beauty standards.

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Summer Transition
Robin Harris Robin Harris

Summer Transition

We are currently transitioning out of spring and into summer. For many of you, this season is your favorite.

For others, it can be a time when there is too much stimulation and it is difficult to relax.

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Press on Kidney-1
Robin Harris Robin Harris

Press on Kidney-1

Kidney-1 is the lowest point on the body. It is grounding. It helps calm the mind, clearing the brain, anxiety, outbursts of anger, and insomnia.

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Accepting Your Genetic Blueprint
Robin Harris Robin Harris

Accepting Your Genetic Blueprint

Our genetic blueprint are things about ourselves that are determined by nature. Some of these characteristics are height, weight, and eye color. Would you ask your size 8 foot to fit into a size 6 shoe? We have a genetic blueprint and our general body size and shape are influenced by this blueprint. Accepting your genetic blueprint helps you be more respectful toward your body. You do not have to love your body, and, the first step toward more positivity is body respect.

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