Size-Inclusive Acupuncture Treatment

If you have ever experienced weight stigma in a healthcare setting, it is enough to keep you from seeing a healthcare provider until symptoms are dire. Body Positive Acupuncture will not only accept your body the way it is but the treatment room has been designed to fit larger bodies. You will feel comfortable in our waiting room, the furniture will accommodate you. Our building and restroom are ADA-accessible. My treatment room offers an adjustable table with a weight capacity of 550 lbs. I have plenty of support cushions to get you comfortable. The sheet drapes are large enough to cover your body.

You will not be shamed for how much you weigh. I do not have a line on my intake form asking for your weight. I am uninterested in your weight numbers. When we talk about food, it is from a curious place and not a place of judgment. I will not be recommending weight loss as part of your care. I will not blame your symptoms on your weight and will gently support you in joining me on that note. I am most interested in creating a safe space for marginalized bodies.

If any of this is resonating with you, you have likely been discriminated against in a healthcare setting. This office and practice have been designed to do just the opposite. You are welcome, you are worthy, and you deserve care with dignity.

Please email if you have any questions about acupuncture treatment in Baltimore. If you are interested, a journey of Intuitive Eating will help you find your exit ramp from diet culture and improve your relationship with food and your body. If you have questions about Intuitive Eating, please message Robin Harris through email at or submit through the contact page. Intuitive Eating Counseling can take place anywhere because it is virtual!


The Mission, the Intent, the Result


“Prettiness is not the rent you pay to occupy the space marked female” - Erin McKean