Food Cravings Vs. Desire

What does it mean to have a craving versus a desire? From what I can tell, cravings are demonized and desire is forbidden. I might argue that this is especially emphasized in diet culture as the rules in life for women. There are a lot of products out there that advertise to “curb cravings.” I’ve also read around to find some pontificating on this subject. Some folks define a craving as something that furthers an imbalance within you while defining desire as something that will balance you.

I’m not buying any of it. I have craved (and desired) vegetables, fruit, water, and fiber—and no one has ever demonized that. That “craving” is culturally rewarded. One might say that I am so “disciplined.” This is diet culture with a megaphone. No one ever complains about their broccoli cravings. This is because wellness/diet culture elevates some foods while demonizing other foods.

So how do we know the difference between a craving and a desire? I think of them as the same and I think of them as body and brain messages. Don’t forget, our brain is part of our body. Why does it matter unless we are demonizing and/or elevating a particular food or food group?

With practice, when you listen to your body, it will tell you that it wants/needs something. I do not believe that these categories of cravings or desires are useful. When we give our bodies the foods that they want, we can feel satisfied. If you have never experienced this, mental restriction is likely at play.

I have heard it all. If you have ever said, “Oh if I have one chip, I’ll eat the whole bag,” a practice in Intuitive Eating would be helpful. It is possible to crave/desire potato chips and feel satisfied, just as it is true that we can crave/desire vegetables and feel satisfied.

Please email if you have any questions about acupuncture treatment in Baltimore. If you are interested, a journey of Intuitive Eating will help you find your exit ramp from diet culture and improve your relationship with food and your body. If you have questions about Intuitive Eating, please message Robin Harris through email at or submit through the contact page. Intuitive Eating Counseling can take place anywhere because it is virtual!


“Prettiness is not the rent you pay to occupy the space marked female” - Erin McKean


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