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Body Positive Acupuncture begins with acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture is the oldest and most commonly practiced medical technique in the world. It is used by one-third of the world as a primary health care system. Acupuncture accesses the body via twelve primary and eight secondary meridians that lie like roadmaps throughout the body and help us find our way to harmony. Acupuncture addresses the whole person, not just parts of the body, making it an especially useful modality for cultivating body positivity.

I use a number of modalities to specialize treatment for each patient. These may include the use of needles, moxibustion, gua sha, and cupping. I make sure you understand what I am doing before I do it.

  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture uses thin pre-sterilized needles to treat underlying imbalances, promoting harmony within the body. It is safe, simple, drug-free, and has no side effects. It enhances the immune system and encourages self-healing and sensory awareness. Acupuncture can address all health concerns, whether chronic or acute, physical or emotional. Acupuncture is complementary to Western healthcare models; patients do not have to make a choice of one over the other.

  • Moxibustion

    Moxibustion is a Chinese medicine technique that uses a dried form of the herb mugwort called moxa. Acupuncturists burn moxa in a number of ways to achieve an enriching effect on the qi including burning moxa directly on the skin, atop an acupuncture needle, in a compacted stick form waving gently above a large area, or in a liquid form. Although not appropriate for every patient, it is commonly used in most acupuncture practices. 

  • Cupping

    Cupping is another therapy widely used by acupuncturists. The purpose of cupping is to bring blood and qi to a local area to encourage healthy circulation. This particular circulation treatment can help ease pain and help with respiratory conditions. Creating this circulation with a cup may produce a red or purple circular mark on the skin, but the goal is not to produce the mark. If the mark is present, it is an indication of the health of the tissue beneath the cup. Contrary to popular belief, these marks are not bruises. They do not hurt, they are not caused by impact, and there is no swelling at the site. The marks generally disappear within a week. 

Body Positive Acupuncture addresses many concerns, including: anxiety, depression, pain, disordered eating, compulsivity, fertility, menstrual issues, joint pain, digestive issues, insomnia, tendonitis, pregnancy issues, allergies, fibromyalgia, and many others.