My body is an instrument, not an ornament.

If this resonates with you as a wish, I highly recommend reading "More Than A Body" by Lexie and Lindsay Kite, Ph.D.

I am on a journey to care more about my body's ability and less about it as ornamental. Some of this is easy to let go of, and some things are more difficult. There is no perfect way to do it. I am on a journey with it, feel free to partner with me. While I will always enjoy adorning, I do not wish to see these practices as compulsory for acceptance.

Longing for a different body for your whole life will only lead to grief and regret. It is possible to learn how to have gratitude for the body you have now. Unconditional acceptance of your body allows you to live in the body you are in NOW. You may not like how it looks, and it is still possible to have gratitude for your body.

Step away from the mirror, and get more in your body. Let’s start looking for more space in our heads.

Please note, that this is not a plan, a diet, a lifestyle, a program, or a protocol. This is about treating your body with respect.

Please email if you have any questions about acupuncture treatment. If you are interested, a journey of Intuitive Eating will help you find your exit ramp from diet culture and improve your relationship with food and your body. If you have questions about Intuitive Eating, please message Robin Harris through email at or submit through the contact page.


The Principles of Intuitive Eating


This body is worthy of taking up space