Will Acupuncture Help Me Lose Weight?
weight loss, acupuncture, intuitive eating Robin Harris weight loss, acupuncture, intuitive eating Robin Harris

Will Acupuncture Help Me Lose Weight?

Diet culture wants us to believe that staying small makes us more attractive. Diet culture also wants us to believe that attractiveness is all that matters. Let’s connect those dots. Smaller is more attractive…do you want to be powerful or do you want to be attractive to a society that values thinness over everything else?

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10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Series, Principle 7: Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness
Stephanie Marceron, Edited by Robin Harris Stephanie Marceron, Edited by Robin Harris

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Series, Principle 7: Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness

Every time food is introduced through a cultural or life event, the emotional bond with food strengthens. This can be through the presence of wedding cake at the reception, cupcakes at a child’s birthday party, turkey for Thanksgiving, and my fondest memory was my Poppop’s baklava at Christmas. When food is introduced to help us cope with life or comfort us, it deepens our emotional bond with food. Food symbolizes different things in our lives; food can be our comfort when we feel a sense of homesickness or loss. Food can be celebratory. Lastly, food can also be our friend because we can rely on food.

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10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Series, Principle 2: Honor Your Hunger
Stephanie Marceron, Edited by Robin Harris Stephanie Marceron, Edited by Robin Harris

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Series, Principle 2: Honor Your Hunger

In this post, we will learn more about how to honor your hunger. Honoring our hunger can be considered a way to rebuild trust between us, our bodies, and the hunger signals we have lost touch with. It can also be a way to start rebuilding your trust in food.

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10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Series, Principle 1: Rejecting Diet Mentality
Stephanie Marceron, Edited by Robin Harris Stephanie Marceron, Edited by Robin Harris

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Series, Principle 1: Rejecting Diet Mentality

Rejecting the diet mentality means to stop thinking about losing weight and dieting. This is a big step in your journey of intuitive eating, especially if you have been dieting for a long period of time. It is not expected of you to stop your dieting habits cold turkey, it is something that you have to ween off. Especially when it comes to counting calories, points, microproteins. Diet mentality most harshly affects those who do not fit with the stereotype that the media presents for us to look like.

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