Press on Kidney-1

Kidney-1 is the lowest point on the body. It is grounding. It helps calm the mind, clearing the brain, anxiety, outbursts of anger, and insomnia.

This point is one of those points that I find effective even when not needling. I rarely needle this point. While it is effective, it has a whole lot of zing to it. I use it only when necessary. One might press here on Kidney-1 for 30-60 seconds a few times a day. This point is called “Bubbling Spring” in the Five Element Acupuncture tradition.

I enjoy Debra Kaatz’s explanation of the point “Bubbling Spring.” Kaatz says, “When brings bubble out of the ground they rush forth with great strength and vitality. The water itself is pure having been filtered through layers of earth and rock. The Chinese say that although outside influences may hamper us, true movement comes from within ourselves, from our innermost spring. Here is the source of our vision out of which comes growth. When we learn to tap into this spring it gives us gifts of knowledge and tranquility. By finding this source within we can refresh our vision so life can flow with power, balance, purity and without fear.”

This post is educational and not meant as a substitute for mental health treatment or medical treatment.

Although find this point most effective when needling, it is also one of those points that I find effective even to press on. One press on Kidney-1 for 30-60 seconds a few times a day.

Please email if you have any questions about acupuncture treatment. If you are interested, a journey of Intuitive Eating will help you find your exit ramp from diet culture and improve your relationship with food and your body. If you have questions about Intuitive Eating, please message Robin Harris through email at or submit through the contact page.


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