Your Body Is Your Home

Body positivity is most essentially about respecting our bodies and the work they do to carry us through our lives. This takes work in a world that encourages us to hate our bodies, to wish our bodies were otherwise, and to spend a lot of time and money trying to change the bodies we are in, especially if they don’t meet narrow westernized beauty standards.

Body Positivity is not necessarily loving everything about our bodies. It is about learning to feel less at odds with our bodies. It is about understanding that how we talk to our bodies and about our bodies matters. What this looks like will be different for all of us. It might mean developing an attitude of neutrality toward our bodies, learning to accept our bodies, or even falling in love with our bodies.

In every case, Body Positive Acupuncture will help you feel less at odds with your body and see your body as your home and as something that deserves your respect.

Please email if you have any questions about acupuncture treatment. If you are interested, a journey of Intuitive Eating will help you find your exit ramp from diet culture and improve your relationship with food and your body. If you have questions about Intuitive Eating, please message Robin Harris through email at or submit through the contact page.


Does Acupuncture Hurt?


Summer Transition