Health Is Not Earned

Wellness culture gives us the idea that if we eat certain things, move our bodies in certain ways, and get enough sleep, we will be healthy. Health is a privilege. It is not something everyone is born with. It is not a full cup that just starts emptying as we get older and stop doing the “right” things. We are dealt a hand and sometimes it’s a healthy one. We cannot buy health, we cannot sell health. Are there things we can do to support our health? ABSOLUTELY. Health is complicated and made up mostly of your genetic blueprint, and from there, you have some choices. For folks you know with health problems, it is important to realize that they didn’t do all the wrong things while you did all the right things. This is one of the ways we moralize health and create stereotypes around illness and morality.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel if you notice you're still holding onto some idea that you haven’t earned your health; this is where Body Positive Acupuncture comes in! Starting or continuing your journey with Intuitive Eating and /or acupuncture will help you learn how to move away from these ways of thinking and improve your relationship with your body. If you have questions about Intuitive Eating, please message Robin through email at or through the contact page on this website.


Accepting Your Genetic Blueprint


Before and After Pictures