Wrong Pants Vs. The Right Pants

Wrong pants and right pants; what does that mean to you? It could be based on style, color, fit, or a number of other factors that matter most to you. Pants shopping can be a super vulnerable time for all of us. With a dieting mentality and being surrounded by diet culture, we might try to force ourselves into a pair of pants that no longer fit us or a size we think we should be. But that isn't fair to our bodies, which do so much for us! This post will harken back to last week's topic of body-checking and what we can do to overcome that feeling. But also how we can distinguish what pants are right for us and wrong for us based solely on how we FEEL in them. 

What are the Wrong Pants:

The wrong pants can be a number of things as defined by you and ONLY you. They are too tight on you in certain spots that make you feel uncomfortable. They could also be too big and don't feel good for you physically or mentally. A few days ago, I went shopping for new jeans, which has always been scary for me because of my history of eating disorders and body dysmorphia. I used to force myself into jeans that were too small because they were a size number that I thought I had to fit into. Not only did I do this with the size, I did this with the style as well. I would only wear skinny jeans because that is what I thought I had to wear, and I could not choose a comfier type of jeans like" dad" or "mom" jeans. But now, since my trip, I have fallen back in love with flare jeans and found dad jeans that fit me comfortably. These are RIGHT pants because they fit me comfortably, and that is what is important when we are deciding on pants. Not how we look in them, not what society and the media say we should look in our pants, but how we want and what is comfortable for our bodies. 

What are the Right Pants:

Now, the complete opposite of the wrong pants; the right pants fit you in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident in your body. Instead of making you feel like you are forcing a size 8 foot into a 6.5 shoe, you have the right fit. The right pants feel free of pressure and like a challenge. The right pants fit your body as it is NOW. It may take some time for us to figure out the right pants for us, and that's OK! We are no longer trying to fit into clothes that symbolize what we want our bodies to be. You deserve clothes that fit, are comfortable, and ease movement and breathing. If your clothes do not fit you, they're no longer the right clothes.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel if you notice you're still holding onto some dieting mentalities; this is where Robin comes in! Starting or continuing your journey with Intuitive Eating will help you learn how to move away from these ways of thinking and improve your relationship with food and your body! If you have questions about Intuitive Eating, please message Robin Harris through email at robin@bodypositiveacupuncture.com to schedule a workshop.


Before and After Pictures


A Lesson on Body-Checking